Honors Program




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Honors Program Benefits

Honors students painting on the Aquinas terrace

Why join the Honors Program?

Honors students study together, earn honors course credits, develop leadership skills, 在专家教师的指导下完成服务项目和学术研究. Benefits include early registration, mentorship, social events, special trainings, and scholarship opportunities.

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我们的课程旨在帮助你发现自己的特殊才能, interests, strengths, and edges, and learn how to activate them for yourself and others.




Honors Requirements

Honors Grads 2023

Academic Requirements

  • Maintain a 3.5 GPA
  • Complete several advanced First-year courses





Meet our cohorts


Student presenting research at a conference outside

Scholarship, Grant, & Research Opportunities

在你的职业领域寻找职业机会? We’ve assembled a number of different grants, fellowships, awards, and research projects, both here in California and around the country, for you to browse and see what fits your interests.



We believe that every student has unique gifts, 我们的多样性是提高创造力的关键力量, innovation, and learning multiple paths for excellence. 



Students on the Honors Terrace

Living Learning Community

阿奎那特别的荣誉生活学习社区是了解其他荣誉学生的绝佳途径. If you have met certain qualifications, 和/或获得过总统奖学金或入学荣誉奖学金, we encourage you to join us in Aquinas.

阿奎那是一个套房式的宿舍,靠近图书馆和教室, with laundry, lounge, and special Honors tutors and programs. 优等生可以选择非优等生作为室友, 即使你退出了荣誉课程,你也可以留在阿奎那.

Present at Conferences

Spring 2023 Student Research Conference Showroom

Around the Country & Here at Saint Mary's

荣誉学生必须至少展示一次研究成果,欢迎提交他们的任何一项研究成果 Honors Contracts in any semester.

Every spring, the SMC Student Research Conference & Showcase is a great opportunity to present research. 

其他选择包括国家和地区会议或学生选择的其他途径. 阅读我们的时事通讯,找到参加国家和地区会议的奖学金!

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Upcoming Event

The Honors Student Commission

荣誉学生委员会是十大正规网赌平台荣誉项目的学生管理机构. 委员会为学生提供了独特的机会,帮助他们决定荣誉项目应该如何运作,并监督项目的日常运作. In keeping with the Program's student-driven focus, 委员们作为一个团队来开展各种活动,并监督荣誉项目学生的学术和社会福利.

2023-24 Commissioners

Emily Dratva, Honors Executive Commissioner

Emily Dratva, Executive Commissioner

艾米丽主修综合课程,辅修舞蹈,现在是大三学生. 从她的圣玛丽之旅开始,她就想在委员会任职, 因为她相信荣誉课程是想要进一步深化教育的学生的理想资源. As a sophomore on the Events Commission, Emily loved being able to plan her own fundraisers, social events, and service events. 现在,她非常荣幸地担任执行专员,监督整个委员会的职能和地位.

Jazmine Cortez

Jazmine Cortez, Public Relations Commissioner

Jazmine is a second year Integral major. She is currently beginning a minor in Law and Society, 并在MMC担任信仰间和宗教多样性的喇沙修士同伴导师. Jazmine也是校园拉丁裔/西班牙裔俱乐部La Hermandad执行团队的一员. She loves to read, go on walks, and hang out with friends, 她对法律很感兴趣,希望有一天能成为一名律师.

Cali Engel-Dempsey

Cali Engel-Dempsey, Public Relations Commissioner

卡利是荣誉项目的新任公关专员之一. 她决定成为一名专员是因为她在荣誉项目中的美好经历,她想以一种创造性的方式做出贡献. Cali is an Art major, enjoys reading and gardening in her free time, and wishes to pursue a career in graphic design. She looks forward to getting to know you all!

Rose Du Point Profile image

Rose Du Pont, Social and Service Events Commissioner

罗斯是一名大二学生,主修商业和音乐(歌唱),辅修法语,在建筑行业有丰富的工作经验. 她的爱好包括看电视真人秀、节俭和买墨西哥卷饼. Originally from Brentwood, CA (corn town about 45 minutes away from SMC), Rose很高兴能为荣誉项目带来更多的活动机会, because as someone with a busy schedule, 她能理解为社区带来价值的有价值活动的必要性.

Olivia Eukel

Olivia Eukel, Social and Service Events Commissioner 

奥利维亚学习化学、生物、声乐和舞蹈. She has extensive experience in childcare, including serving children with special needs, service and volunteer work, performing arts, leadership, and year-round swimming. 在组织了2023年春季学生研究会议后,她选择以活动专家的身份加入委员会. 作为一名未来的医生,奥利维亚热衷于为代表性不足和服务不足的社区服务.

Keiko Muraoka

Keiko Muraoka, Academic Events and Conferences Commissioner

Keiko是大二的学生,主修生物,辅修商业管理. 在她的空闲时间,Keiko喜欢户外活动,远足,海滩旅行或购物. 她决定在今年的委员会任职,这样她就可以成为这个神奇团队的一员,这个团队将荣誉学生聚集在一起,帮助在这个群体中灌输一种社区意识. 惠子对新学年感到很兴奋,并期待着与大家见面.

Stravoula Psefteas

Stavroula Psefteas, Colloquium Commissioner

斯塔夫鲁拉是加州丹维尔大学心理学专业二年级学生,辅修SSTE专业. 她很高兴能成为今年的学术讨论会委员,并帮助带来一些新的和有趣的学术讨论会. 她喜欢读书,看电影,游泳,和朋友出去玩. Stavroula决定今年成为一名专员,因为她去年在荣誉项目中度过了一段美好的时光,她想参与策划活动,确保每个人都喜欢成为荣誉项目的一员. 

Demetri Papageorge

Demetri Papageorge, Academic Events and Conferences & Contract and Career Commissioner

Demetri是政治专业的大四学生,辅修经济学和法学 & 以及一名荣誉学生,他将在本学期完成最后一份荣誉合同. He serves as the President of the Macken Speech & 辩论俱乐部,为种族正义挺身而出,还有钓鱼俱乐部. 今年,Demetri将在图书馆担任研究台工作人员,并且是阿奎那大厅荣誉项目生活学习社区的常驻顾问.

Contact us

Honors Program


Dr. Helga Lenart-Cheng, Program Director
